Dorset Speed facebook group was shut down!!
Here is the link to the new group
Invitation to provide discussion points for
next TAG meeting
Having shifted focus from trying to get any sense out of Dorset Road Safe to
trying to understand why our councils are wasting money on DRS, after a slightly
reluctant start, Councillor Ron Parker spoke to me on Friday and invited me to
provide some points for discussion at the next TAG (Transport Advisory Group)
meeting, which will be on the 24th Feb. Very good, we’ll see what
This is what I've provided:
Observations / suggestions for TAG meeting, 24th
Feb 2011
Dorset, despite some
of the lowest tolerance speed camera enforcements and most severe speed limit
reductions is among the worst performing counties in casualty reduction.
Speeding is only
one of many driving problems, and cameras detect the wrong types of speeders,
typically mature, safe drivers, often with unblemished driving records for 20
years+, a small amount above limits which have been reduced well below the
natural safe speed for the road. They are predictable, either fixed or mobile,
so do not effect those who want to speed, either (in some cases safely) because
they now find some limits impractical, or because they are dangerous speeders,
racers, criminals, etc., as they have 99.9% of road space available to do what
they want, and all they have to do is to not go past yellow boxes and stripy
vans above the limit, it’s not hard. From these simple starting points, the
claimed benefit in casualty reduction of speed cameras looks, and actually is,
totally implausible. But speed cameras and ever reducing limits have completely
dominated efforts to reduce deaths (or so we are told).
2. It seems that the unsatisfactory
reductions in casualties that seem somewhat inevitable to many observers has
resulted in massively increasing the dose of the wrong medicine rather than
looking for a medicine that works. Limits are being used now just as a way to
have less serious accidents, rather than to define a sensible maximum safe
speed, and actually working on accident prevention by properly addressing the
primary causes. This results in limits that really have become too low for
normal safe drivers, such as Holes Bay, Dorset / Canford Way, Wessex Way, even
when the higher previous limit was not being properly respected / enforced. This
increases accidental and deliberate speeding, reduced respect of law and limits,
and escalates the whole unfortunate situation. DfT guidance recognises the
danger of inappropriately low limits and warns against this.
3. The probability and severity of
impact is dependant not only on the speed immediately prior to the situation
developing, but also how far ahead that situation was seen and avoidance
started, i.e. attention and anticipation, probably the 2 most fundamental,
important qualities of a good driver. It’s easy to spot an inattentive driver.
If I was going to fall off my bike, I’d prefer to have drivers around me driving
up to 70, but watching the road, keeping a safe distance and thinking about what
they need to reduce speed for, than driving at 50 and thinking that’s all they
need to do to be safe. Just imagine the effectiveness of a campaign that shows a
driver thinking “what can go wrong” as he drives down the road.
4. When do you take most notice of
your speedo? Is it when you’re going past a speed camera, or a busy school? I
don’t look at my speedo at all when I’m going past a busy school, and that
doesn’t mean I’m doing more than 20. There’s just more important things to look
for. In fact most of the time, more than 10 would be insane. And when the school
is empty 40 might be entirely safe. You simply can’t micro-manage every inch of
every road with the huge dynamic variations, with speed limits. You have to rely
on drivers knowing what is appropriate, to some extent, and in reality,
enforcement will never detect a large proportion of all problems in all places.
Therefore, you must enthuse and encourage safe driving both where there are and
are not enforcements, rather than treat all drivers like naughty children,
“Caught – no excuse”. Rigid enforcement of arbitrary limits which the driver can
see no reason for is anti-productive and therefore dangerous. Driver psychology
is obviously a critical factor and to work against it is seriously irresponsible
and damaging.
5. Sadly, it could not be possible
for DRS to have more effectively demonstrated that all it ever does is about
making money. The insistence that it is only concerned with saving lives, in
total conflict with the nature of it’s operations, communications and
performance, and that it has continued in this way for so long, is shocking and
insulting to those who are and are not directly effected by road trauma. I’ve
lost count of the number of simple fundamental questions that DRS refuses to
answer, presumably as any answer can only start to reveal the truth.
6. While trusting everything to
DRS, the right things are not being done. Putting the responsibility with the
driver to think about anticipating what may happen ahead. Doing something about
the appalling standard of driving, inability to use sliproads properly, driving
too close, distraction, inattention, lack of respect / tolerance for other road
users, etc. Being smart about the future, developing new technology to help with
traffic enforcement of a wide range of problems AND flow management, reducing
journey times, stress. I had no problem detecting 1 problem a minute with a
camcorder, the opportunities are vast. None of these things will make a fast
buck, but will bring financial rewards through proper reduced accidents and
reduced wasted time on the roads. The only way to properly deliver effective
road safety is to consider financial benefit as a fortunate but guaranteed side
effect, rather than a primary (and possibly exclusive) reason.
7. We need to use the precious few
resources we can afford in the very best way. We must observe and identify the
most abundant and serious real driving problems, and target them properly. It
will be much better to do a small amount of the right thing rather than
continuing to do more and more of the wrong thing. There is poor speed limit
compliance away from cameras, so they are pointless and we must not spend
another penny on them. Intelligent people on the road and new technologies are
the way forward and as a technology expert and having taken a great interest in
road safety, I would be very happy to contribute more.